Heat index approaching 105 didn’t stop 9 Pax from conquering another round in the Arena last Friday.  While the numbers were a little lighter than usual, thanks in large part to the movie showing inside a nice, air conditioned community room, we did get 4 THP diehards, including Teddy (great to see you again brother), and FNG Rockfish, to step up and enjoy the comfortable afternoon temps by running around a little.  Not much shade to be found on the THP grounds…

Overdraft almost made the run over from Pullen solo, but Duff and CW pulled up just in time to keep him company.  Once to the THP parking lot, Yukon Cornelius joined us for his maiden Arena post – great to see new faces coming to The Arena – T-claps Yukon!!  Let’s see some more in the coming weeks.  With the heat like it is this summer, we need as many F3 guys as we can get to encourage more clients to get out there and post.

After the normal recruiting rounds, we were off to the grassy area in the interior courtyard to start.


SSH x 20, Good Afternoons x 15, I/W x 15, Wide Grip Merkins x 5, Standard Merkins x 5, Diamond Merkins x 5.


Run to the power pole field and split up into two teams for some old school relay race action.  Prize to be awarded to the winning team.  While pax at front of line runs to first pole, drops for merkins x 5, and sprints back, rest of team alternates between plank hold and squat hold.  Came down to Duff and CW for the finale, which ended up in a straight up tie.  Thus, the prize for the winners goes to both teams – 5 burpees OYO (better than 10 OYO).

Fellowship jog over to the field across Goode St. near the train tracks.  Partner up.  Partner 1 sprints to tracks and back while Partner 2 does AMRAP of called exercise, then flapjack.  Exercises were prisoner squats, standard merkins, and plank holds.  In between rounds we did partner derkins x 10, and partner people’s chair x 10.

Burpees x 5 OYO then all pax grab a rock.  We did manage to find some shade for some rock work.
Rock curls x 15, rock squats x 15, tricep press with rocks x 15, repeat but with 10x reps of each.  Rock backs and cross back over Goode to the front of THP, circle up for COT.


After Name-o-rama the THP Pax shared sobriety dates during announcements.  Our FNG Rockfish was just 5 days into THP – stick with it brother and we hope to see you out again at the next Arena and many more.  Two shirts were earned – a long overdue one for Teddy, and one for Dash who just completed his third Arena.  Great to see so many shirts being earned and worn proudly by the THP pax.

It is tough to get away on Friday afternoons, especially during the summer, so many T-claps go out to all of you who are finding a way to get out and support what is happening at The Arena.  We do need some Qs for the July and August – it will be a Q experience like you’ve never had before.  Link to the sign up page is below.
