A-Team set a new record today as 20 men showed up for a birthday Q. Watchless and full of youthful exuberance, the Q set out to burn off the cake, carne, pizza, and alcohol of a weekend binge. Mission accomplished in 42 minutes.

Warmup: 3 laps around the circle, SSH, mountain climbers, good mornings > freddie mercuries

Thang: jog to the small hill, mumble chatter from Burt, so we jogged to the big hill > Elevens (burpees, merkins) > mosey to picnic shelter > dips > urkin > box jumps, repeat > mosey to the circle > 75% pace loop > merkins > American Hammer > LBCs > freddie mercuries

Mile total: 2.5
Merkin total: 75
Burpee total: 55

Thanks for the birthday wishes men. And no one got run over!