After an epic fartsack on Friday in which YHC highlighted the dangers of bed due to it being where most breathe their final breath, the Pax climbed the Ladder O’ Death on Monday instead.

YHC was dangerously close to pulling a repeat but pulled into Vance at exactly 0545 for a quick loopty-loop of the sneakers and away we went.



Indian Run

SSH x 20 IC

Imperial Walker x 15 IC

Cotton Pickers x 15 IC


The Thang:

Ascending intervals of the following (15 on, 15 off, 30 on, 15 off, 45 on, 15 off, 60 on, 15 off)

Ski Hops



Pop Squats

Curl and Press w/ rock

Mountain Climbers




Alphabet Soup


Prayer Requests:

Bloodsport’s M for pregnancy and morning sickness

Lab Rat’s Uncle who suffered a stroke

Merv’s friend who was diagnosed with cancer

YHC’s niece who is still recovering from pneumonia

YHC’s dad who is still only operating at about 75% after the fall in May


Good work, men!