It was a balmy 28 degrees at Disney when the Pax found themselves without a QIC. Brony stepped up to lead warm ups and Crab Legs was sweet talked in to a virgin Q. Even though I didn’t go all the way, I’ll count this as my virgin Q.
Warm Ups:
Lap around the track while dodging patches of ice. Followed by random counts (apparently the cold kept us from counting sequentially) of SSH, Hillbillies, Good Morning, and Fazio Arm Circles,
Doing It:
Since their was no plan, virgin QIC Crab Legs led the PAX in a couple of the favorite workouts from the standard Disneyland QICs.
Exercise 1:
We jogged across the parking lot to the “twin peaks” for a set of 11s in honor of Deadbolt. Squats on hill 1 and Burpees on hill 2.
Exercise 2:
The jog/sprint/jog routine on the soccer field in honor of Kid Cracker.

Round 1: Jog Sprint Jog to the end and back – 30 Squats

Round 2: Jog Sprint Jog to the end and back – 30 ‘Mericans

Round 3: Jog Sprint Jog to the end and back – 30  LBCs

Exercise 3:

Round the clock Mercans – an audible from Yosef, and a new one for Crab Legs. We made it about half way around the clock before deciding to move on.


An audible from Peak Week had us doing Guantanamo Bay? leg lifts. Each man in the circle to a turn running to every other man in the circle pushing their legs down during a lift.
Prayer Requests: Continued prayer for Yosef and his wife as their get ready for their new baby.
That’s it gentlemen. Hope you stocked up on toilet paper, milk and beer. Two inches of snow will shut this town down. And I hope you all enjoy extra family time tomorrow since your kids will be home from school.