As YHC was pulling in to AO, Bartman was circling the block with a ruck and what looked like a giant turd – later found this was a bag of sand wrapped in duct tape in the shape of a log. He is taking the CSAUP Go-Ruck with alacrity. EC of one. The shovel flag was planted as the pax started rolling in. YHC was glad to see Castanza pull up only to realize it was for the delivery of some OLD USED I-POD equipment as a gift to YHC’s youngest. He proceeded to leave saying something about an urgent issue at work. Heard that one before. That might be worse than Fartsacking. As most of the committed pax were stretching, YHC’s FNG guest pulls up, sporting gloves and appropriate gear. It took Howard speaking to the men’s group post workout for the EH to finally kick in. We still had a couple of minutes before start so Loom shared some of M’s comments on F3; “What, you go a couple of times during the week and now Saturday, I think it is just another reason to hang out with the boys.” Uh Yeah.
With that the pax of 10 were off.
Indian Run to Fidelity – back way with a couple of low squat holds on the way and one set of 5 burpees, just to pull the pax together.
Stop at Fidelity on the way for some SSH 25ct, Mtn Climbers 25ct, Good morning 15ct, Windmill 15ct, Merkins
THANG: jog to Depot with squat hold and burpees in route. Then everything below with a rock of your choice.
- Curls 25ct
- Chest press 25ct
- Jog to benches for L/R step ups. Lots of mumble chatter here as YHC said something like this, “starting position move, in cadence, …. OYO…… mumble chatter…. 25 count”. Though pax was right in the correction, they were penalized with 10 oyo burpees. Callahan was given credit here. For someone who seemed to start out as a wall flower a year ago, the Burt school of Mumble Chatter is quickly taking hold in this young man. Return to rock pile.
- Tricep Curl 25ct
- Russian hammers 25ct
- Rocks up – Rocks up [as coined by the FNG]. This is a variation of Homer to Marge using a rock.
- Jog to rails for spider monkeys then around the depot for quick feet in cadence 25ct. Return to rock pile.
- Boat canoe – yes with rock. Pax started wavering excessively at this point. It was then we went for 5 counts around the circle.
- Something else YHC forgot – with rock
- Mosey to second rock pile with loooow squat hold on the way.
- Wood choppers 6 ct each side then return rock.
- Bear crawl to cones and forward crab walk back.
- Some other rock exercise 25ct – dementia catching up to YHC without ‘respect’. Return rocks
- Jog to stairs for stair jumps, left / right, repeat. Wonk reminds YHC that time is getting tight so we start heading back for Mary with low squat hold on the way. The Farmers market was being set up on our route but no takers.
- At Ashworth Drugs, YHC called out an AYG run to the court yard for Mary. Later, YHC learned that Cee Lo does not like runs. Hmmmm.
- LBC’s 10 ct regular, then 10ct to right, 10 ct to left.
- Loom called out some box cutters then we were done.
- We welcomed FNG Pokey [Mark Gemberling] to the fold. Pokey – FNG made mistake of mentioning a nickname he has – Gumby – thanks Ma Bell for the quick callout.
- Announcements: Q school at Bond Park Saturday June 27th at 9:00 am. Believe Maize will be there.
- Prayer Concerns: Family and friends of young girl that died at Camp Cheerio, YHC’s daughter Campbell and dislocated Patella, several of the F3 families going through some difficulties, and at least two others.
- Sputnik took us out in Prayer
YHC had a great time. Nice to see some of the PAX taking the mumble chatter leadership position with the absence of Burt. By helping sharpen other men, we sharpen ourselves. Thank you men for holding me accountable.
Now off to breakfast and Howard, who delivered a great presentation on his adventures with F3, what it means to him, his work with Global Training Network, and how the two are interlinked.
“Serving others prepares you to lead others.”