15 PAX posted for the kickoff of YHC’s birthday Q week.  This AM, I get a tweet with the following quote:  “Do not regret growing older; it is a privilege denied to many.” via @Inspire_Us

Appropriate given the theme I’ve planned for the various Q’s YHC has on tap this week. We start with 21 which will double by Friday.  DISCLAIMER:  YHC is not doing the GORUCK but has enjoyed the F1 challenges at Gideon and this AO is a great site to do a lot with.  I’m glad the Q option was open to #starttheweekoffright.  Here’s what went down.

With 15 PAX, form 2 lines of 7 – YHC in front.  March from lower parking lot towards the upper entrance of Shelley – fast pace up the hill to the top of the Dam.  21 Squats OYO

Keep marching down the steep hill on the path towards the boathouse – pickup the pace stopping at the fork in the path by the bridge.  Group 1 – fast mosey to the upper parking lot, 21 Merkins, fast mosey back.  Group 2 – 21 Skull Crushers, 21 LBC’s rucks overhead, Squat hold, Plank hold, Chilcutt hold waiting for Group 1.  Flapjack.

Continue march down path, across the bridge, pickup the pace stopping at the intersection where the path goes up towards Lakeway Drive.  Squat hold waiting for the Six.  Bear Crawl up the path towards Lakeway Drive.  Plank hold, Chilcutt hold at top.  Lunge walk down the same path back towards the main Shelley lake Ring of Fire.  Squat hold waiting for PAX.

Continue march down path in two lines for about 100 yards.  Partner up with the guy next to you in the other line (for some reason this was confusing for Macgruber).  Wheelbarrow with partner / flapjack as needed until YHC called for a stop.  YHC was odd man out and bear crawled / lunge walked for about 75-100 yards.

Form two lines, continue march down path – YHC calls for Rucks overhead and after about 50-75 yards, Tricep extensions x15.  Turn right across bridge at back of Shelley.  Stop at the rock pile and pick one.

21 Curls, 21 Shoulder Presses, 21 Bent over rows, 22 Rock Merkins (11 w/ right hand on rock, 11 w/ left hand on rock) – those merkins were harder than I thought.  Rocks away.

Continue down the path in two lines – YHC calls for Rucks overhead for another 50-75 yards.  Continue mosey for about 75-100 yards.  Partner up.  Partner carry however you can.  Flapjack as needed.  YHC lunge walked and then carried Nessman for some distance stopping the PAX after 75-100 yards.

Continue down the path in two lines – at the wooden bridge, bear crawl and squat hold at the top of the short hill when finished.  Fast pace march from here to the open field at the bottom of the hill where the path goes up towards the top of Dam Hill.  Circle Up for Mary.

21 Flutter Kicks, 21 Reverse LBC’s, 21 American Hammers w/Ruck

March down path back towards the parking lot.  At the top of the hill, Rucks overhead until you get to the parking lot.  Done.  COT


  • Apparently running (or fast mosey) isn’t the norm with a GORUCK (per White Shoe).  If he only knew what I had originally concocted for the Ring of Fire. #SavingItForTrueGrit
  • Several early bird runners/bikers on the path today.  #NoCopperheads
  • The grass forest has finally been mowed.  #TrueGritFitnessTestBackOn


  • The Arena – Torch is graduating from the program this Thursday (8/20) at 6pm.  Post for the ceremony if you can.
  • The Arena – workout this Friday (8/21) at 230pm (Run from Shelley at 2pm).  Need PAX support.
  • 9/11 Stair Climb convergence at Crabtree Valley Mall – No other workouts that day.  All non-BRR PAX should post.


  • Praise for Baby White Shoe’s safe delivery.
  • Cherie Berry’s family (M’s mom cancer?)
  • Orwell, Ron Burgundy – family situations. Pray for reconciliation, healing and for the Lord to restore.
  • ManRam – school year starts today, transition for our exchange student (academically, socially, etc.).  My son is recovering from a concussion – pray for healing so he can resume football activities.

Azul closed us out in prayer and with this quote from Kung Fu Panda and Master Oogway (the Turtle reference) which was quite unexpected but fitting:  “Yesterday is history; Tomorrow is a mystery; Today is a Gift, that is why it’s called the Present.”

Always a pleasure to serve.